• If you have any issue that you are seeking improvement on, within your mind, body or spirit, acupuncture is for you! You don’t have to be sick, or injured to get tremendous benefits from acupuncture. Many clients, including myself, seek out acupuncture to reach higher levels of health and happiness. For me, I use acupuncture not only to address existing concerns, but also to maintain a high level of wellness, where my inspiration, joy and energy continue flowing well. When used in this way, acupuncture can be super effective at preventing the onset of mental, emotional and physical diseases as well as helping to clear them up.

  • Initial Intake: Your initial intake is 90 minutes, which entails a deep dive into your life history including health, family, mental emotional, main complaints, hopes, physical exam, pulses and reading the flow of your meridians. This first session is not acupuncture but most people feel much better just from this initial conversation and life reflection. It also helps me create a personalized map of you so that your future treatments are most effective. ($150)

    First Treatment: In your first treatment, we will clear your energy body of any blocks or toxic energy that has accumulated so that we start with a clear, clean slate. If there are several blocks to clear, this first treatment can take a bit longer than normal, so leave 90 minutes just in case. ($90)

    Ongoing Treatments: Treatments are 60-75 minutes. One unique aspect of 5E is that I will be with you the whole treatment, continuously listening to you and observing how the treatment is landing through your mind, body, energy responses and your pulses. You should plan to come weekly for the first 5-10 treatments as we break down old energetic habits and create new ones. This can be faster or more gradual, depending on how hardened and old the pattern is. From there, we will space out your treatments every other week, and eventually to once a month, or sometimes just once a season. ($90)

  • Five Element (5E) Acupuncture is an ancient form of classical Chinese medicine that was developed thousands of years ago. It works by using hair thin needles to stimulate the meridians, or energy lines that innervate your body. Meridians are considered part of the energetic network of your organ systems. This targeted stimulation of your meridians enables more flow through your energetic systems so health and wellness can be restored on every level; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

    The underlying philosophical framework for 5E acupuncture is that when nature flows through life, health occurs naturally. Using 5E, I’ll be looking to treat the root of your imbalance. When we address the root of your system’s energetic imbalance, all types of symptoms will tend to drop away including depression, anxiety, stress, digestive issues, pain, headaches, lack of energy/inspiration, and countless other symptoms.

    Thousands of scientific studies have confirmed the efficacy of acupuncture in treating hundreds of disorders from pain, to nausea, to mental health.

  • The sensation of chi (or life force) being stimulated through your meridians varies from point to point. Sometimes it feels like an achy sensation, and sometimes more like warmth, while other times it is more electric. Most clients become quite comfortable with the associated sensations. The needles that I use are very fine (much finer than the needles used to give a shot), and I have strategies for working very gently with sensitive clients. Most clients find the process nourishing.

  • There is no hard fast rule on this, since everyone's physical-energetic body is different. Typically, you should plan to come weekly for the first 5-10 treatments as we break down old energetic habits and create new ones. This can be faster or more gradual, depending on your unique system. It is not rare to feel some change pretty quickly. Once we start to feel the changes sticking, we will space out your treatments to every other week, then every third week, and eventually to once a month, or sometimes just once a season. My goal is to train your energy body to learn healthy patterns, so that over time, you need the intervention of acupuncture less and less.

  • I practice Five Element acupuncture, which is a classical form of acupuncture that aims to treat the root cause of your imbalance. In Five element acupuncture, we typically put needles in, turn the needle and remove the needle, whereas in TCM, needles are left in for around 10-30 minutes.

    With 5E, the practitioner does not leave the room during your treatment, and instead is tracking how you respond to treatment and adapting treatment based on those findings. 5E is an intimate form of care where you receive the undivided and nurturing attention of your practitioner.

  • • All patients must wear a mask. I will wear a mask at all times.

    • All hard surfaces, door handles and tables will be sanitized with hospital-grade disinfectant to CDC standards between patients.

    • As always, I wash my hands before each treatment and use hand sanitizer throughout.

    • Table linens will be changed and washed after each use.

    *These regulations are subject to change based on CDC and local health department guidelines.

  • I do not bill insurance yet (I hope to in the future), but many patients are able to be reimbursed for acupuncture services by submitting a “superbill” and invoice with specific insurance coding, to their insurance provider.

    To find out about coverage, call the patient number on the back of your insurance card and ask:

    Do I have out-of-network coverage for acupuncture/ physical therapy/ nutrition services?

    What percentage of the visit is covered?

    Is there a limit to how many visits per year?

    Do I have an out-of-network deductible to meet?

    What diagnoses are covered?

    How do I submit super-bills?

    I encourage you to use your flexible spending and health savings account debit cards for my services—these pre-tax accounts provided by some insurance companies are a great way to offset the cost of your out-of-pocket health care costs.

  • I ask that you provide at least 24 hours notice if you need to cancel your appointment. This allows me time to offer the appointment slot to another patient. With the exception of illness or emergency, no-shows and appointments cancelled within 24 hours will be charged in full for the appointment. Thank you for your mindfulness!

Book your free 15 min consultation today.